1 Introduction
This disclosure statement was prepared in order to ensure that personal data of our visitors are processed in accordance with the Constitution of Turkish Republic and international conventions on human rights which our country is a party and with the related legislation, in particular the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (”KVKK”) No. 6698 as İlbak Holding Anonim Şirketi (”Company”) and that persons whose personal data are processed to be able to exercise their rights efficiently. All personal data shared with our Company shall be processed legally, in connection and calibration with our activities and service purposes.

2 Definitions
Personal data, specific personal data and data processing terms used in this disclosure statement are used in accordance with the definitions within KVKK. “Personal data” term mentioned in KVKK refers to all kinds of information on the identified or identifiable real person; “Processing of personal data” term refers to all kinds of transactions made on data such as collecting, recording, retaining, maintaining, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making collectable, classifying or restricting the personal data provided that it is a part of any data recording system that is completely or partially automatic.

3 Principles of Processing Personal Data
As per the Article 4 of KVKK, personal data belonging to the data subject shall be processed by the data controller Company in accordance with the law and integrity rules, accurately and for up-to-date, specific, clear and legitimate purposes when needed; in connection with the purpose they are processed, limited and calibrated; in accordance with the retention rules which applied for the purpose they are processed.

4 Purposes of Processing of Personal Data
Your personal data shall be processed in order to:

• Maintain the security of the workplace or internet and similar electronic systems
• Eliminate legal disputes that may occur
• To make notifications to the related authorities in the event competent public authorities or institutions demand in accordance with the law, within the scope of the personal data processing requirements and purposes set out in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK Law.

5 Transferring Your Personal Data
Our company acts in accordance with the regulations set out in the KVKK in relation to the transfer of personal data. Without prejudice to the exceptional cases specified in the legislation, personal data and specific data are not transferred to other real or legal persons without the explicit consent of the data subject. In exceptional cases, as stipulated by KVKK and other legislation, attention is paid to comply with the requirements and limitations indicated in the legislation during the transfer of personal data to authorized administrative or judicial institutions or private organizations.

Your personal data may be transferred to,
• To authorized official institutions or organizations and legally authorized special persons in order for the fulfilment of a legal obligation or establishment, utilization or protection of rights belonging to the Company, Within the framework of the procedures and principles stipulated in the relevant legislation and in accordance with the personal data transfer conditions and purposes indicated in the Article 8 and 9 of the KVKK.

6 Collection Method of Personal Data / Specific Personal Data and Legal Cause
Your personal data are collected through automatic methods, by entering the hotspot system within the websites owned by the Company, by obtaining information by the data subject in person or by the submission of requests and forms through the system and by recording the transactions realized after logging in the system.

The legal causes for the processing of your personal data by the Company are those that are exceptions to the explicit consent stated in the clauses (ç), (e) and (f) of the second paragraph of the Article 5 of KVKK with the consent of the data subject in the Explicit Consent text in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 5 of the KVKK. Your personal data is collected by our Company in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with the legal causes set forth in Articles 4 and 5 of this Disclosure Statement.

7 Rights of the Data Subject Indicated in Article 11
By applying to the Company acting within the capacity of data controller, data subjects are entitled to; learn whether his/her data are processed, request information in the event his/her personal data is processed; learn the purpose of the personal data processing and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose; be informed on the third parties which the personal data are transferred domestically or internationally; request correction in the event the personal data are processed deficiently or incorrectly; request his/her personal data to be deleted or destructed within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the Article 7 of the KVKK no.6698; request the transactions made as per the clauses (d) and (e) of the Article 11 of the KVKK to be notified to the third parties which the personal data are transferred; object the occurrence of a result against him/her upon analysis of the processed data with automatic systems explicitly; request indemnification of damages in the event a damage is occurred in the event of processing of personal data illegally.

Explicit Consent
I have read and understood the aspects indicated in the disclosure statement prepared in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. In relation to the processing and transferring of my personal data within the scope of the purposes and principles indicated in the Disclosure Statement,